Our Race Day is October 16th from 11 to 4. On this day representatives from ski companies come to Proctor's with the latest equipment for racing. All race gear is sold at highly discounted race prices.
We and the representatives will help you choose the gear you want and need for the year ahead. Proctor's has in stock a great selection of race gear especially for younger skiers and high school racers.
Proctor staff members have received special training from The Boot Doctor's Brent Amsbury on fitting ski boots for ski racing and your getting stance alignment and balance correct. Here is a quote from Brent Amsbury,
Brent Amsbury
To All,
Every skier, regardless of ability, needs stance balancing. It is also referred to as boot balancing, but in reality the boot is merely an appliance we voluntarily put on our feet to support the mechanical requirement of skiing on a pair of skis.
Many of us believe that the ski boot comes "ready to ski" out of a box, and that the manufacturer has taken all parameters into consideration. Though ski boot manufacturers have made immense strides in the last two decades, they cannot, and will not individualize ski boots. They must build them to accept a broad enough range of body types so as to be profitable in the market place.
Thus, stance balancing is the only true way to individualize a ski boot for each skier.
Stance balancing is essentially a process of aligning the lower and upper portion of the ski boot shell to "unlock" the skeletal and muscular potential of each skier.
If a ski boot forces your body to constantly use primary and secondary muscles to stay in balance, then the body cannot focus on essential tasks required to achieve a carved turn.
Once a skier has achieved a balanced stance in their boot, muscle groups are then in a relaxed state until that skier asks them to move.
If a coach or instructor asks you to move forward, or to angulate more, the body can only achieve this when the skier has the ability to do so from a balanced position over their skis.
Will stance balancing solve all ski technique issues? Certainly not. But for a great majority of skiers, a substantial amount of progress is available to them as soon as the stance balancing issue becomes resolved.
Other factors such as overall strength, cardiovascular fitness, and general athleticism will continue to take a significant role in continued progress of a skiers quest to improve their ability, but that initial ascension required to move out of a skiing ability rut or plateau starts with the foundation of better balance.
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